Antistatic Interview Object

$5.00 - $8.00

Antistatic Interview Object contains interviews with six people we know or admire from the internet. The content was first created for our 2024 Print Object, which we then decided to make more widely available as we are proud of it and would like more people to have the opportunity to read it.

The zine came about because we had an ambient sense that it feels quite weird and bad to be online these days, and felt less certain than ever that internet hangout zones and online experiments are sufficient to build the kinds of community and aesthetic engagement we need. New forms are coalescing, maybe. We also had a hunch that lots of cool internet-y people out there are embarking on projects that are studiously offline or resolutely handmade. We approached some of these people and asked them if we could interview them. They said yes.

Interviews with: Andrew Edman | Elisabeth Nicula | Tim Diagram | Serife Wong and Eryk Salvaggio | Robin Sloan.

SHIPPING NOTE: Shipping fee is included for USA and New Zealand mailing addresses. Shipping to other countries costs an additional $2 USD. For an extra $3 USD, we'll throw in a second copy of the zine (any shipping location)!

US and international edition: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
New Zealand edition: 148 x 210 mm

32 pages, 1-color laser printed cover on colored paper (colors vary), 1-color laser printed interior on white paper. January 2025.